With more people getting dual citizenship and fewer hierarchical distinctions, it is now more complex in a globalized world from a tax obligation perspective. For UAE residents, it is important to understand tax residency and what it means to tax especially for expats managing complicated commitments locally and overseas. While the UAE’s tax-free environment will provide relief for a few, dual citizens or those having assets abroad may still be tax-liable in other jurisdictions. In this article, we will examine tax residency and dual citizenship as well as their tax obligations.

What is Tax Residency and Dual Citizenship?

Tax residency in its simplest terms is the status that determines when an individual will be considered liable to pay taxes based on a period of stay in a particular country. In the UAE, however, tax residency normally depends on how long you spend in a year, spending more than 183 days as tax residency for UAE tax purposes. While the UAE is well known for its tax-free environment, it is still important to consider what your tax residency is, particularly for expatriates. That’s because many countries have tax treaties with the UAE that affect income from overseas assets or business. UAE residents may not be subject to taxes locally, but they may owe some obligation in their home country based on their status as tax residents there.

Dual citizenship means being a resident of two or more countries at the same time. While all of this can provide access to numerous countries for either living or working, it also comes with some tax complexities. Countries will also expect dual citizens to fulfill tax obligations, even if they remain abroad, based on their citizenship status. For those who hold dual citizenship in the UAE, it is important to know the tax laws of both countries to avoid any complications. Accordingly, careful planning is necessary to avoid legal and financial complications in each nation regarding taxation on international income and assets.

What are the Tax Obligations with Tax Residency and Dual Citizenship in the UAE?

The Tax Obligations with Tax Residency and Dual Citizenship in the UAE are;

  1. Double Taxation Agreements (DTAs)

UAE and the other countries have entered into double taxation agreements, to prevent double taxation on the same income. For dual citizens, it is fundamental to at least become familiar with these treaties if they can offer the flexibility of tax liability on foreign income.

  1. Global Compliance

Though UAE has a favorable tax regime and even dual citizens, they must still stick to the international tax rules. This includes;

  • Opportune filing of tax returns
  • Payment of any taxes due in their home countries to avoid penalties
  1. Income Reporting Requirements

D Income reporting requirements for dual citizens are imposed by the home country. This often includes declaring;

  • Foreign Income
  • Bank accounts
  • Investments

And even if the income in the UAE is tax-exempt, failure to report it in the home country could well be damagingly penalized.

  1. Implications of Non-Compliance

Non-compliance with tax obligations can have serious consequences. It may include;

  • Fines
  • Interest on unpaid taxes
  • Legal actions in both the UAE and the dual citizen’s home country

It is important to ensure understanding not to fail in meeting tax requirements because it can be risky.

  1. Estate and Inheritance Tax Considerations

Dual citizens should also be aware of estate and inheritance tax implications in both the UAE and their home country. The UAE does not charge inheritance taxes, but other countries can make very significant taxes on the transfer of wealth. Knowing these laws is fundamental to successful estate planning, and to having the beneficiaries not held up with an unpredicted tax liability.

  1. Tax Planning Strategies

Dual citizens should make effective tax planning for their situation. Leveraging the benefits of the double taxation agreements is one, tax exemptions being the next and employ appropriate legal tax strategies to minimize your liabilities. It is important to consult with top tax advisors such as Farahat & Co. Their team is well-specialized in cross-border taxation and can help dual citizens develop tailored strategies to ensure compliance with all tax obligations.


Knowing all the tax obligations as a tax resident or dual citizen in the UAE can be complex but manageable with the right knowledge and assistance. Tax consultant Dubai . is a well-established firm in the UAE that can effectively help you address all the exclusive issues.

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